Marcel Chojnacki

Experience the difference the best words make

You have a unique voice and message to the world. I'm here to help you change the world like only you can.

Your mission and brand are paramount

Your relationship with your

audience is sacred

The relationship with your audience is your most valuable asset. Everything I do is designed to respect and enhance that relationship.

Measure twice, cut once

Incredible results are guaranteed by an ironclad process. That's why I believe in asking the right questions up front to ensure I am meeting YOUR needs at all times.

Clear and regular communication

You will never have to wonder about the status of a project or have a question go unanswered. Regular, scheduled communication and 24/7 direct access.

I only get paid when you get results

My results are guaranteed. If you don't see your wished results for some reason, you pay NOTHING.

I started my new agency when I met Marcel. He had sent me some of his work and I saw the fire burning within him. I wanted him to work with me on my new agency.

We not only launched social media outreach campaigns, but also several email campaigns. He constantly brought new things to the table and eventually some successes came to light and the positive responses began to increase. He not only has creative outreach methods, but also marketing skills that can be recognized.

If you're having trouble, you should have spoken to him at least once if you're serious about moving your business forward on a strategic level.

Alexander Pichler, WebWins CEO

Previous Client Wins


If you are ready to take your business to the next level, I'm the guy you can contact.